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Troy Louis
TLC Real Estate LLC
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Listing Details
MLS Number: 130846
List Price: $275,000
Property Type: Manufactured Housing Lot
Street #: 74
Address: Twin Oaks Rd
City: Waterloo
Zip Code: 29384
Location Type: Lake Front
Area: Lake Greenwood - Laurens Waterfront
Subdivision: OTHER
Apx Total Acreage: 1.08
Acreage Range: 1 - 3.99
Apx Water Frontage: 132
Public Remarks: RARE, UNRESTRICTED, GENTLY SLOPED, DOCKABLE lake lot with a BIG VIEW! A perfect homesite and setting for that cool lakehome you want to build. Price is firm and property is being sold as-is. There is an older singlewide on property and agent does not have a key - it will not be removed and conveys with sale along with chain link fenced area and an old shed. The generous 130’+ of shoreline has a concrete boat ramp and a deteriorating dock that needs replacing- Do Not walk on it! But the view is peaceful, wide and beautiful. The lot is awesome: very gently sloped- just enough to avoid flood insurance, green and grassy, dotted with beautiful mature oaks giving that dappled shady lakeside you appreciate in the summertime. Well, septic and propane tank onsite – everything as-is and not warrantied. You will also own a little chunk of land about 60-80' deep directly across the street from the lakefront lot, so there will always be a green privacy buffer. Nice homes on either side. This little residential lakefront subdivision is called Catfish Cove – there is NO HOA and the neighborhood is well kept. Located on the quieter north Saluda River branch of 11, 400-acre Lake Greenwood, across the water from Eagles Harbor on the Laurens County side (cheaper taxes!). Near-level lot is easy to walk so you can enjoy the lake and that Big Wide View forever. Cash buyer only- proof of funds will be required with offer. LOVE YOUR LAKE LIFE!